Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Update on my year so far...

Here it goes... 2010 has been an extremely interesting and fast paced year for me. Looking back, it is all kind of a blur. After finishing high school, everything in your life changes. There is no norm anymore, there is no comfort in routine, and no day-to-day life that has been scripted for you. A lot of my friends moved away and went off to start lives at university, and very few were left. Adding to the change, we moved house. Which ended up being an awesome thing for the family! Living so close to my church friends, and my new job (at the church) has just made life so much easier.

Working at grace has been a blessing! Of course it has come with struggles and hardships, but in the most part, it has been a wonderful experience. Hanging out with older and wiser people has been so great and I've learnt a LOT in the first few months that I have been here! God has been doing some awesome things at Grace, and in our Youth in particular. It is always exciting to see what he is going to do next. We just recently went on a youth camp, which for many kids was life changing to say the least! The youth formed a bond of family beyond race, culture or 'clique' and it was so exciting to see and be a part of. God really worked through the kids hearts that weekend!

It is now school holidays in South Africa, and everybody is off school for 2 weeks. It's strange not celebrating school holidays! I used to sleep till noon every day, and laze around ensuring that I do nothing of a strenuous nature. On the contrary, my life just gets busier around easter time. Those of us in ministry will know that Easter time is pretty much the 2nd busiest time of year!

This easter has been great for me personally. It usually flies by as another holiday weekend that our family works like crazy. But this year, I've been able to really slow down and remember what Christ did. A reflective service on Thursday night, a Good Friday service on Friday morning at sunrise, and watching The Passion of the Christ on Friday night, really got me in good headspace to remember the incredible sacrifice that He made for us.
I hope this has been a good time for you all too! Lets not let easter slip past as another weekend, but rather really meditate and dwell on what Christ did, so that when Sunday arrives, we know why we are celebrating!

So this is it....

It is 2010, the year of opportunity, and the year of changes. What could I do to be a part of this year of new experiences and new things? well...? Start a blog! YES.

I've never been a big fan of blogging, as I myself find it hard to sit down at a computer and read about somebodies life in small, slightly frustrating and unreadable fonts of random colours. This was until I decided to start a blog of my own. (thanks to grandma for giving me the idea/motivation)
The purpose of this blog is mostly to allow family and friends that are not on the same continent as myself to keep tabs on me, and hear what I am doing with my life. I have a feeling there is going to be a LOT to say here, as everything in my life is constantly changing. I hope it is enjoyable to read, and not merely information. Feel free to let me know what you think about what I'm doing, or suggestions on how to improve my new blogging experience.

Thanks so much for wanting to be a part of my life, happy reading!